Thursday, May 15, 2008

Week 28 post-Op Update (Happy Birthday to me!)


Samichi said...

Aren't you looking lovely today ^_^
happy birthday
p.s. I love your hair that way =D

Turtle_gurl said...

Thanks!! it was such a great birthday and I am diggin the new hair color too! *hugs*

Ivy_In_V.A. said...

I just want to say i late birthday wishes. but i just found your site. i just had the gastric-bypass 2 weeks ago. it has been not great so far i am loosing the weight but fining it hard to sleep, and to understand everything i am going to go through, but be for i just keep going on i just wanted you to know thank you for you vidios thay really helped me to understand what i have to look foward look great.Thank You

detroitredwing22 said...

Happy Birthday!!! i must say that u are an imspiration to me, I was actually not going to do my surgery until I came upon ur blogs. Im sorry if this sounds a bit blunt, but ur boobs look absoulutly smashing!. my doc said that only thing her patiens complain about is sagging boobs. do u have thta prob? by the looks of it u dont, and if u dont mind me asking.. how is ur intimate life with ur hubby? im married 12 yrs , am a 30 y.o nursing student, and im afraid i will have sagging"stuff", im shy about sex as it is... anyways sorry if im asking too many q's. i wish they had wls pt's w/o clothes on so we can view it lol. im not a perv just scared baout my own body after i hopefully lose 100 lbs. my surgery is july 10th. im on as detroitredwing22, if u'd like to join me. thank u anyways for being an inspiration for me.

CynthiaR1309 said...

Hi Amelia. I first found you on YouTube and watched several videos about your WLS journey. You are such an inspiration to me. You look absolutely wonderful. My name is Cynthia and I live in North Carolina. I got a surgery date last week - April 20th, 2009!! Less than a month away! I start my pre-surgery diet tomorrow. I'm so nervous but I know I can do this! I'm ready. I researched this and pondered for a good 2 years. Doubting and second guessing etc.. blah blah lol Then last August I started the process. It seems like it has taken me forever to get to this place but I'm here and I'm embracing it! I was looking for some inspiration online from people who are going through or have gone through this process, and I found great hope with you & your videos! Thanks so much :)

Unknown said...

Ameila, please send me you "real" e-mail address so I can forward all the mail folks think they are sending to you. You're doing a great thing, I just wish you would not use the e-mail address I have had since gmail started, what 7-8 years ago. Good luck on your path!