Sunday, November 25, 2007

November 25, 2007

I spoke to Jason for and hour and a half last night. i haven't spoken to him in 10 years. I told him off for his message, and then found out he had terrible dial-up internet and could not see my video. He was genuinely happy to hear from me. I let him have it. Only thing is... he owned up to his part, apologized and told me of his very abusive upbringing and i came to see that he was not the monster I built him up in my mind to be. He was 12 when he molested me, but at the time he said he could have never predicted the consequences of his actions. He has gone through alcohol and drug abuse in his 20's and come out the other side a responsible decent person. I am not saying what he did is ok, but in my heart i can forgive him.